Buying a Home?
Buying a home is one of the “BIGGEST” investments you may ever make financially. Sounds like a lot of pressure, commitment and responsibility….. Yes…. But think of all the fun that comes along with owning your own space, the thrill of the purchase and the start of something to call your own. With that being said, I would like to congratulate you on your decision to buy a new home. It is always a privilege to hand home buyers the keys to their “New Home” and to be their for that first moment of celebrating ownership.
Whether it is your first time or your 21st time, you may still have questions. Buying a new home can seem like a daunting process, but I want to assure you that my goal is to make the process as easy, carefree, fun and rewarding as possible!
I know that you will have lots of questions. Don’t be afraid to ask, that is what I am here for. Every situation is unique and many questions will get answered along the way and not right out of the gate, that is part of the process. This is the best part of having a Real Estate Professional such as myself, to help find you your perfect home and all the answers you need to make an informed decision.
As you embark on this mission to find the perfect home, remember that I will be with you every step of the way.
The First Step...Financing!
Yes it is a topic that many don’t like to discuss, obviously for this venture, it is the most important. It has been my experience to get this right out of the way and have it dealt with first. The buying experience usually goes smoother if financing is secured before you start searching.
Most home buyers find that they need to finance at least part of their home purchase. So, in many respects, owning your dream home hinges on your ability to get the financing you need, in a price range you can afford.
As a Real Estate Agent, I work with many Mortgage Brokers. If you would like we could recommend you to someone who works in the area and can meet with you in the comforts of your home, office or their office. The lenders we deal with are extremely well versed in the process and work with us on a daily basis, thus giving us the ability for better and more efficient correspondence.
Visit the Finance page, under the Buyers tab, to start the pre-Qualification process with one of our approved Lenders.
Finding your dream Home!
If you logically analyze your needs ahead of time you can make an educated, informed decision, rather than an emotional one. Visit the Wants and Needs page, under the Buyers tab, to determine what exactly your families needs are. We have put together some things you should consider when starting the house hunting procedure. This will help you to prioritize which characteristics are most important to you in a home.
Finding the Perfect House is a Team Effort!
One of my goal's is to set you up for success! To do this however, it is very much a collaborative effort between us!
Another resource for you to review is my Top 10 Buyers Tips page, located under the Buyers tab.
I'll guide you along the way and walk you through all the steps, but ultimately my goal is to find you the Perfect Home! I don't care if that takes one showing, one month, one year or more, or if your just beginning to think about it and its a couple of years down the road! I am here to help!
How do we get started?
First step is to receive your Complimentary Buyer's Guide. You can do this two ways:
1. Schedule time with me using the following link to my calendar:
2. Shy & would just like a copy of my Buyer's Guide for now? No problem, click Contact Me under my stunning picture and type "Buyers Guide" in the the subject line.
Would you like my Complimentary Home Search App for your Phone?
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